For each work of art the artist reserves copyright and reproduction rights.
I appreciate your respect for my ownership of my work & my copyrights. Art is ©2020 Alain Gakwaya and may not be printed, re-distributed, modified or posted elsewhere without written authorization of the artist.
TERMS: The artist and client will email or call to discuss the details of the commissioned painting. The client will provide inspiration photographs and location (if needed). The artist will be paid will be paid 50% ($300) for the painting to begin. The artist will accommodate reasonable change requests without charge. The balance is due prior to shipping of the artwork.
(Note: If during the creative process the client rejects the work and all attempts to alter the work to the client’s approval, then the client forfeits the initial payment ($300) and the commission is terminated.)
TIMELINE: From the date the deposit is received, the artist will have 4 weeks to complete the painting. Upon completion and prior to delivery, the balance is due. Shipping times may vary.
ARTIST'S RIGHTS: The artist reserves to himself all rights to the preliminary design and any incidental works made in the creation of the work.
All published illustrations and photographs should be accompanied by a line crediting the artist by name, unless otherwise agreed to in writing. The right of an artist to sign work and to have the signature appear in all reproductions should remain intact.